CCT Staff Better Understanding of the CCT DNA

Connected via zoom nationwide, 80 CCT staff had a better understanding of the CCT DNA—its organization and management philosophy last November 12, 2021, spearheaded by the CCT Training and Development Institute.

Strengthening the conviction of God’s call for them in their ministry, CCT missionaries were renewed through this one-day seminar mixed with the use of reflective methods like Lectio Divina, reflection questions, a quiz, and a message about CCT DNA by Ate Ruth, the president and founder of CCT herself, which explains CCT foundations, core values, and principles. 

Pastor Edmon Ngo also shared an inspirational message on ‘calling’, which gave encouragement to the participants to not doubt their calling even when times get tough. The attendees were also asked to read and self-reflect on Rick Warren’s study guide called the “SHAPE” profile, a series of questions that helped the participants in self-evaluating the following: 

S- Spiritual gifts
H- Heart (What are you passionate about – role, people group, cause?)
A-Abilities (What are your God-given abilities?)
P- Personality (What are your God-given personality traits)
E-Experiences (What life experiences – family, educational, vocational, spiritual, ministry- direct you to your area of ministry?)

After their time of reflection, they were grouped together to discuss what their needs and challenges are in pursuing their calling and how they can be better supported. Some of their answers are training, time to unwind, lack of manpower, challenges on funds and resources, motivation and guidance, training for the management of their tasks, and support through prayer. 

The day ended with a celebration of the Lord’s table. This is to symbolize each one’s membership to the calling of the Lord to the ministry. 
We thank God for this time of fellowship as one CCT family!
